Filipino Aalders

The Filipino Aalders in Australia 

Henry Anthony Aalders born 28 Dec 1939 married second wife Nemia Edullantes Yerro born 1957 in Tacloban ,Philippines.  Nemia, a widow ,  brought 2 small boys into the mariage who took the name Aalders by Deed poll.  They established the Australian Aalders branch of mixed race   

Henry Aalders Born 28 Dec 1939

Nemia Edullantes Yerro  born 1957  

Henry and Nemia married on November 24 1987 in Tacloban City Philippines. Nemia's father the REV Andres Yerro Officiated. Nemia was a widow by a marriage to Isaballo Singapan, they had two boys who cam with Nemia to New Zealand.

James Jonathan Aalders ( Israel Singapan) was born in Tacloban City Jan 5 1983 cahnged his name by deed poll. He was married to Melanie Possumah and the couple has since divorced. His new partner is Raquel Caeiro.        

James trained as a welder/ fabricator 

James and Melanie have two children

Nemia Aalder with granddaughters Maleah and Jahmayah Aalders from Hervey Bay Queensland .

Jahmayah Rose Lea Aalders born in Hervey Bay  Queens;and 21 May 20 daughter of James and Melanie Aalders .

Rafael de Angelo Aalders born 22 Feb 2022 at  the Gold Coast Queensland

Maleah Rose  Aalders  born in Hervey Bay  Queensland on 19 Jan 2005   daughter of James and Melanie Aalders .  

Rafael de Angelo Aalders born 22 Feb 2022 at  the Gold Coast Queensland

James and Melanie have two daughters

 Jahmayah Rose Lea Aalders 21 May 2004

Maleah Rose  Aalders 19 Jan 2005

Abigail Aalders

 Mel Jose Aalders (Ismael Singapan)  was born in Tacloban City 11 Aug 1984 changed his name by deed poll. He is partnered by Olepa Mata'angi Vervuurt . Olepa was born in Samoa but upon her parents breakup she was adopted out to a relative who married Pieter Vervuurt who possessed  NZ nationality. Hence Olepa is a New Zealander. The couple have 4 Children 

Manieya Nemia Aalders, born 15 Feb 2008 

Lourdes Aalders ( nicknamed Haruki)  born 17 March 2017  in Hervey Bay Qld Australia daughter of Mel Aalders and Olepa Vervuurt    

Louisiana Aalders born 1 February  2012

Jose Ramirez Aalders  born 19 Feb 2018 in Hervey Bay Hospital Qld ,son  of Mel Aalders and Olepa Vervuurt