Hendrik Aalders and Grietje Foortman
We are now returning to the nuptials of…..
Hendrik Aalders and Grietje Foortman
The only 2 surviving children of Hendrik and Grietje were …
Martinette Aalders born in Haarlem 21 March 1829.she died in Amsterdam 23 Jan 1900. She was the surviving daughter of Hendrik Aalders and Grietje Foortman . Martinete married Petrus Jacobus de Koning in 1853 . The couple had 4 children ,Alida born in 1883. , Jan born in 1878, Hein (Henry) born in 1879 and Koo born in 1881 The de Konng couple played an important part in the lives of my own grandfather,great uncles and aunts since they took upon themselves the guardianship of the Asriaan Aalders children upon the death of their mother Johanna Aalders- ter Laare in 1882 .
Fortunately the guardianship turned out to be of short duration after my great grandfather married Petronella de Kuester on 21 June 1883 . Were it not for information passed on to younger generations this act of care would be totally taken for granted and go unnoticed.
Likewise my own father Gerard (born 1910) and his brother Anton (born 1904 ) made it their business to let their young generation that Petronella de Kuester ,my grandpa’s stepmother had been an excellent and most caring mother to her husband's children .When she died in 1904 the family mourned a very dear and loving mother.
Adriaan Aalders was born 1835 in Haarlem . He married Johanna ter Laare born 16 Mar 1841 in Amsterdam .Johanna having given Hendrik a good sized family ,died days after her 41 st birthday on 19 March 1882. 10 months later Adriaan married Dina Petronella de Kuester , who was born in 1842 in Haarlem .She was an elegant well presented lady. She died on 13 Jan 1904 . Adriaan died on 11 Feb 1909 .My own father Gerard Adriaan Johan Aalders spoke of Dina as a fabulous replacement mother for the Aalders children of which his Dad ,my grandpa ,was the eldest son , aged 13 at time of his mothers death. Adriaan was a builder. He worked in Alkmaar but seemingly spent quite some time in Amsterdam ,where my grandpa was born .We may conclude that Adriaan’s son, Jan was apprenticed to his Dad and learned to be a good tradesman .
Adriaan’s second wife Dina Petronella de Kuester , was born in 1842 in Haarlem
Adriaan Aalders
Petronella de Kuester
Adriaan and Johanna had the following children
Engelina Aalders born 7 Apriol 1872 .She died 30 May 1873 in Amsterdam
Jacobus Aalders born 3 July 1875 . He died 23 Feb 1880 .He was born and died in Amsterdam
Alida Hendrika Aalders born in Amsterdam 25Aug 1870 ,daughter of Adriaan Aalders and Johanna ter Laare She died on 29 June 1940 in Haarlem .She married Casper Albert Bernard van den Bergh ,born in Montfoort in 1876 , Casper died in Amsterdam in 1944. Alida and Cas had 3 daughters , Annie , Willy and Nettie van den Bergh .
Martinette Johanna Aalders borm 17 March 1867 in Amsterdam , the daughter of Adriaan Aalders and Johanna ter Laare . She died on 17 Dec 1944 in the Hague Prior to 1894 she had married Eduard Antoine Pieters who was born in Amsterdam in1864 . The couple had 3 children ,Charles Pieters born 1895, Beatrix born 1902, and Eduard born 16 Dec 1903 . Eduard a big wellset man attended the 75 th birthday celebrations of Aunt Annie Aalderrs nee van den Meerendock in Leiden in 1954 which was also attended by the Gerard AAlders family then from Bussum .Eduard drew attention to himself by dancing around with a tiny black top hat no taller than 8 cm which made a shrill sound if squeezed . Aunt Annie’s 15 grandchildren could not resist the temptation and a lot of fun was had by all
Johannes Jacobus Aalders. was born 3 Aug 1864 in Amsterdam son of Adriaan Aalders and Johanna ter Laare . See Apeldoorm Aalders
Gerardus Gregorius Aalders (1870-1931) ,son of Adriaan Aalders and Johanna ter Laare . See the Leiden Aalders ,
Hendrik Adriaan Aalders born 8 April 1869 in Amsterdam Hendrik was the son of Adriaan and Johanna ter Laare .Hendrik was a hardworking and excellent tradesman . He learned his confectioner's trade well. In 1896 there was an international competition for confectioners /pastry cooks ( banketbakkers ) organised in London to which entries were invited from all over Europe , Hendrik entered and won the silver medal aged just 26 . His grandson , Henry (born 1939) still holds it .Shortly thereafter Henry opened his banketbakkerij in the Kalverstraat /corner Klooster in inner city Amsterdam .Then came the first royal order. The newly installed Dutch Queen Wilhelmina liked Opa’s pastry delicacies .He treasured the “by Royal appointment “ sign soon took place of pride in Opa’s establishment . Those were the days when Dutch society was very conscious of the class to which it believed it belonged ." We get our "gebakjes" ( tarts ) from banketbakkerij Aalders" ,which implied ,"if these were good enough to feed our queen and her royal guests ........they are good enough for us " ......and so Opa's Cash register just did not have the time to take a morning tea break
On 20 March 1908 Hendrik married Bernardina Maria Johanna Caminada born 31 Jan 1874 in Amsterdam She died 20 Mar 1908 ,just 34 years old, leaving Hendrik with 2 small boys to raise. On 3 Feb 1910 Hendrik married his late wife’s cousin Maria Johanna Caminada born in Rotterdam 16 May 1864 . She died at the couple’;s retirement home in Soestdijk prior to WWII . Opa retired before the outbreak of WWII and bought a retirement property at the Koninginneweg Soestdijk with a house titled “Holiday” It had a large back garden which bordered onto the Royal estate Soestdijk Palace, at the time occupied by Crownprincesss Juliana and Prince, Bernard . Opa’s second wife, Maria Caminada, died there . Opa died 13 May 1945 in Amsterdam in a home for retired gentlemen Brentano at the Heerengracht ,where he had “bought himself in” to be with his brother in law, Henry Caminada ,his late wife’s childless brother , a most caring and sweet deaf man. World war II was a thing of 8 days past . It was chaos in Amsterdam and the rest of Holland . Opa’s two sons got themselves to Amsterdam in an army jeep , They buried Opa in a carton box on 17 May 1945. There wasn’t anything else at an affordable price. Nothing could outdo the overwhelming relief of knowing that Holland was free from German occupation. Again I hope the old man realised the magnificence of the event of 5 May 1945 ( Liberation day ) before he closed his eyes forever.
Hendrik Aalders and Bernardina Caminada had two sons .
Adriaan Hendrik Aalders born 1 April 1900 in Amsterdam Son of Hendrik Adriaan Aalders and Bernardina Caminada. He died 8 Jan 1912 in Amsterdam from tuberculosis pictured here with his brother Anton and mother Bernardina .
Antonius Bernardus Jacobus Maria Aalders born 7 May 1903 in Amsterdam Son of Hendrik Adriaan Aalders and Bernardina Caminada.. Anton never married . See Aalders of New Zealand and Australia
Hendrik Aalderrs and Maria Caminada had one son , Gerard Adriaan Johan Aalders born 30 Nov 1910 in Amsterdam .See Aalders of New Zealand and Australia